School is out and it's a sort of a buzz ...
back then I didn't really know what it was,
but now I see what have of this
the way that people respond to summer madness.
I can't believe that summer for me and my chillens (a.k.a. kids) is almost over. We have been exceptionally busy as a family. My son is almost half way through a 3 week trip back east, and my daughter is leaving for the east-north-central region of the country (GO BUCKEYES!) in a couple of days ... leaving my husband and me alone for a entire week. Seven days together, alone, without a child in sight hasn't happened in our home since 1993. It will be an interesting marital adventure, I am sure of it. If my husband knows what is good for him, he'll buck up and take me to the Happy Sumo like he promised me he would. I will let you know if he comes through.
Oh, and just a side note ... I just finished book one of a two book series, THE 4CRs. It is a good story line, meaty and savory, just like the Surf and Turf roll I plan on devouring at the Happy next week. On to more writing. I don't have a release date yet for THE TRAIT, but we're talking about mid-October!!! Yes! Now to enjoy a little Will Smith and his lyrical genius.